Tuesday 4 June 2013

Iliniza Norte

I made it! Despite the wind and snow and long rocky ridge that none of the books tell you about. The summit of Iliniza Norte is at 5126 metres. We left la Virgen at 3950 metres at 6.30 am to try and avoid the rain, which we did thankfully, but it was pretty windy all the same - not really my idea of fun on a rocky ridge! Oh, not to mention the "paso de la muerte" (step of death) halfway along the ridge. At the beginning we could see Iliniza Norte and Iliniza Sur, and also the volcano Cotopaxi, but then they got lost in the clouds. The photo of the summit looks like I'm making all of this up with the blue sky behind me, but I assure you that it can only have lasted 2 seconds before the clouds came over again as the only memory I have of the summit is a very narrow rock ledge surrounded by a white fog!


Iliniza Norte


Iliniza Sur and Iliniza Norte

welcome cup of tea
new horizons hut - apt!

the summit

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