The 24th May is a holiday in Ecuador to remember the battle of Pichincha in 1822, which was won by the army under General Antonio Jose de Sucre and marked the beginning of the independence of Ecuador. For the little piece of trivia, the battle of Pichincha took place on the slopes of the Pichincha volcano just outside Quito, and if I stick my head around the screen of my computer, I can see it as I write this! Anyway, back to the Galapagos islands. In the morning of the 24th we went up into the highlands of Santa Cruz. This is the less inhabited part of the island, by humans at least, it gets much colder as you get higher, and sometimes drizzly, and the vegetation is incredible - from oranges and passion fruit to plaintain and yucca plants and all sorts of other plants and trees that I can't even begin to name. And if you want to see giant tortoises living in the wild, this is where you should be.

In the afternoon, we went to Las Grietas (see tour de bahia post if you have no idea what I'm talking about!). The water is freezing but very refreshing once you've clambered over a kilometer of rocks to get there. We passed a couple of herons along the way, not to mention the odd cranky pelican!
La Dormilona
This plant closes up when you touch it. |
A rare photo - in the distance the highlands of Santa Cruz on a clear day.
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